Our Policies


Parents can only visit their child or children during the break time (11.30am – 12noon). It is prohibited for parents to enter the classroom during class periods. The school’s first point of contact is the Front Office; all parents are to go in to the front office where they will be attended to.

- Communication: All calls are to be directed to the school official line (09039769880) for any inquiry during school hours, as our educators are not allowed to receive or make phone calls during class. This is to ensure effective classroom management.

- Verbal abuse, physical confrontation, and violence of any kind within the school premises will not be condoned. All complaints should be tendered to the school management in a well-mannered manner.


70% of school fees must be paid into the school’s designated bank accounts on or before resumption. Evidence of payment is to be presented upon resumption.

However, all outstanding balances are to be paid before midterm's examination for each pupil to get his/her “Examination Clearance Card.” Pupils with outstanding balances will not be allowed to write the term’s examination


Parents who opt for the transportation service of the school are to ensure that their child/children are prepared and ready to be picked by the school driver in the morning to avoid delay in picking other pupils.

Parents are also to ensure that a recognized individual is at home to receive their child/children after school. Please note that pupils will be returned to school if there is nobody to receive them


The school’s official resumption time for pupils is 8:00 am. However, a 15 minute concession is given. Thus, all pupils are expected to be in school latest by 8:15am. Parents are implored to ensure that their child/children are in school as at the stated time; as we imbibe the culture of promptness in our pupils.


Morning assembly is a vital aspect of the school curriculum as learning starts from there; thus, attendance is compulsory for all pupils.


The school’s official closing hours for pupils are as stated below:

Pre-School: Our pre-school pupils close at 2 p.m. (Mondays–Fridays).

Elementary: Elementary pupils close at 3.30 p.m. (Mondays–Thursdays) and 2 p.m. (Fridays). A concession of 1 hour after the official closing time will be given to parents to pick up their child or children. Parents who fail to pick up their child or children after this time (4:30pm) will be charged for after-school service.

Parents who will want to pick up their child/children before the school’s official closing time will be required to fill out the “Pupils’ Exit Form,” which will be given at the school office and approved by the Head of School. Please note that approval is solely at the discretion of the Head of School


Pupils are to be neatly dressed each day in their uniforms accordingly:

Monday – White Shirt

Tuesday – Cream Shirt

Wednesday – Sportswear with white canvass/sneakers

Thursday – Pink shirt (girls) Blue Shirt (boys)

Friday – Friday T-Shirt on jeans with canvass/sneakers of any colour.

Uniforms for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are to be worn on BLACK SHOES AND WHITE SOCKS


The pick-up form is COMPULSORY for parents that might have to send their relatives or other individuals to pick up their child/children from the school. The form has been designed for parents to officially register two individuals who are likely to be sent to pick up their children.

Please, note that pupils will not be released to an unknown and unauthorized individual.

In addition, no impromptu arrangement of an unauthorized individual will be honoured. The school management should be notified ahead with a text message, giving the details (name, relationship to parent/pupil, address and phone number) of the person coming to pick their child/children.


Birthday celebrations are done on the playground or assembly ground during break time (11.30am – 12noon).

• Edible gifts like biscuits, chocolate bars, cakes, are to be individually wrapped for each pupil.

• Inedible items such as pencils, erasers, storybooks, games are most preferable.

• Cakes will only be used for photographs and WILL NOT be shared to pupils.

• Parents who will need the services of the school photographer should contact the school before the day for proper arrangement.

Please note that gifts/birthday packs are not mandatory for birthday celebrations; it is optional. Nevertheless, parents who will like to send birthday packs are to do so in accordance to the school policy as listed above.


Parents are encouraged to give their children food and snacks from home


Parents who will need extra tutorials for their child/children at home will have to pass through the school management.


Uniform Clubs are compulsory for all pupils. Each pupil is to choose one of these uniform clubs: Red Cross, Brownie and Boys Scout.

Other extracurricular activities include Chess and Maths, Swimming, Jet, Ballet, Dance and Drama.


School Functions are compulsory for every pupil. No child is to be excluded from any school event. Thus, deduction of function fees will NOT be allowed.
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